ELVIS PRESLEY STUFF- be in stationary, cd's, LP albums, cassettes, dolls, dishes, afghans, clothing, puzzles,
COCA-COLA MEMORABILIA- anything with Coca-Cola... MINE! LOL
FIRE DEPARTMENT ITEMS- be it fire fighter plush animals, glass, ceramic, etc knick knacks, whatever...
my mother and father are/were fire fighters, and so were my brothers and myself... in the family bloodline LOL... I have over
5000 fire department patches alone from all over the world!
COWS- my whole kitchen is cows... I got cows in my bathroom, everywhere!
WATCHES- all types of watches... pocket watches, kids watches, any kind of interesting (to me) watches...
TY BEANIE BABIES- at one time I had every single one, until I had to sell part of my collection to pay
our bills... one of the worst days of my life!
RARE MONIES- rare US money, foreign money, old money, etc... got some of it all and I will NOT part with
it or spend it! I will pick up cans and eat dirt first LOL! (Got a couple of extras of the gold dollars if someone wants to
trade for something I DON'T have LOL)
STICKERS- I have a HUGE scrapbook FULL of different stickers I have been collecting since I was a kid!
PENS- any kind of neat pens I LOVE! I probably have over 7000+ pens!
LIGHTERS- odd and unusual pictures, graphics, shapes, sizes, you name it... (can you tell I am a freak!
MUSIC CD'S- I have a collection of over 10,000 music cd's! Just about anything you could possibly imagine...
I get alot of them at pawn shops or garage sales for $1 or so, and then when I have coupons and really good sales to get the
current stuff LOL!
DISNEY- you name it, we have it... every Disney movie ever released, posters, knick knacks, whatever....
gotta love DISNEY!
ANTENNA BALLS- yep, you read that right... the Antenna balls... not just from Jack In the Box, but all
STAMPS- HUGE collection of stamps...
STATE QUARTERS- We are currently up to date... getting them as they are released... TEXAS just ame out!!!
WOOHOO! It's purdy! LOL...
MATERIAL- I am always looking for cute materials... since I am always making scrunchies, stockings, clothes,
fabric covered albums, etc...
EAGLES- free and patriotic.. have staues, ceramics (some hand painted), etc... what more can I say...
BOOKS- I have books from WAY back, when my grandfather was a wee little guy...
CONDIMENTS- yes you read that right too.. FAST FOOD CONDIMENTS! LOL
BARBIES- I have the very first barbies, newer barbies, and even the high priced collector barbies (like
the $50+ characters, etc)... and my mother used to make all my Barbie clothes!
CABBAGE PATCH DOLLS- Yep, gott'em all! Most still in boxes!
HAIR SCRUNCHIES- My daugher and I have over 1000 hair scrunchies EACH! But none are store bought... all
handmade! Everytime I get a new material, I always make 2 of that kind so we can each have one
M&M items... I can't say more than these guys are too cute! I have clothes, fabric, all kinds of things...
even keep the tops off the seasonal candy tubes and make them into ornaments for our Christmas tree!
CANDLES- granted, these don't last cuz I burn them all the time, but I have so many candles I can STOP
paying the lights and just survive by candle light! LOL... I even make some myself in different scents, etc...
HOT WHEELS- now these will hopefully be for my son when he gets older. They are all the way back from
the 70's to date and still in the original packages
TIGERS- I absolutely LOVE tigers... I have stuffed tigers, knick knacks, afghans, toys, stickers, you
name it!
PUZZLES- I LOVE doing puzzles... I see a neat puzzle that would make a great picture and I get it, put
it together, and then modge podge it into 1 piece picture and hang it on the wall... my favorite is those photomosaic puzzles!
MAGNETS- any kind of interesting refrigerator magnet... I LOVE THEM and so does my mom!
FOOTBALL TRADING CARDS- this is my DH and DS's collection, but I am frequently scouting or purchasing
cards for them...
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINES- All I can say is the pictures are beautiful, the articles are interesting,
and they are useful in kids projects!
CEREAL/MAIL IN OFFER TOYS- got some dating back to the 50's STILL IN THEIR PACKAGE!
ok I am gonna stop now... I could go on and on... most of you are PROBABLY thinking my house is either A. HUGE... or B.
extremely cluttered (especially since I didn't list the phenominal stockpiled items I have... but believe it or not, my house
it NOT huge and it is VERY neat! Everything is either displayed in a specific place or in storage boxes in closets (thank
goodness for BIG closets LOL)... hope you enjoyed a little peek into my FREAKSHOW lol! If I think of anymore of the BIGGER
(LOL) collections, I'll add them... And thanks for the long reading!